Wednesday, March 5, 2008

More on the Kitties

Looks like Pooh and Sming are up to their old tricks. Their most common is to come in their kitty-rigged door with a live lizard hanging out of their mouth, so they can (so thoughtfully!) share it with us and eachother. A nice gesture, although an altogether unsavory one (except for whoever gets to eat it!) Since they feel lizards are in mass demand and our reptilian friends just aren't cutting it on the "getting away fast enough" thing, the kitties are able to deliver us severed tails, limbs, and more recently, heads, in bulk. Recently Steve called me on the phone at work to tell me of his latest lizard episode. He described it thus: "I came in to the computer room, where I found a "STACK" of lizards behind the door!" Not only does this amuse me for the implied sheer amount of lizards, but that they had been carefully laid in a pile, no doubt for future enjoyment--much like I used to save bits of candy bars after Halloween just to say I still had some Halloween candy left.

Did I mention Lizards have an uncanny knack for seeming to be beyond all hope, yet disappear from their supposed "final resting place" to turn up as a camouflaged appendage to my kitchen houseplants?

Well, Pooh and Sming will probably find him again eventually.

1 comment:

steveandemilee said...

Don't forget the live snake that Smokey Bones brought into the house. Luckly we were home and I was able to grab it by the end of its body before it disappeared behind the entertainment center. Smokey was so insulted that we would take away her toy.