Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sweaty Smingers

I bet you didn't know cats can sweat--well, they can.

So, we decided that Smingers needs to be slowly acclimated to riding in a car. We're not THAT crazy, we just want to get him to be okay with idea, since he'll probably be forced to be in the car for a week when we move in a year. So, start early, we said. Drive around the block, we said. He'll get used to it, we said. Not so much.

As soon as we closed the car door, he went all tense. We started to drive, nice and slow. We were only going to drop off a letter and pick up a newspaper down the street--It was really probably only a 3 mile loop. He started to cry. It was the saddest, most pathetic "MEoooooh"'s you've ever heard. Then he started to get hot. I was holding his paws and they started getting all moist--eew, cat sweat! "Um, Steve," I said, "We probably better go home now, I think he might be sweating..." I think would both thought (in the Napoleon Dynamite voice): GROSSSS!

He finally became resigned to this horrific experience and smashed his head down in between the seat and the console of the car where the seatbelt comes out of and would NOT move. We finally got back home and opened the car door and he slunk off to sulk. Wouldn't even come around us for the rest of the day, and the following one as well.

What in the world are we going to do in a year???


Katy said...

You guys are just so funny! I've never heard of a cat sweating...okay, so I missed why he'll have to be in the car when you move. Is it just because it will be cross-country and he'll have to be in for the move...you aren't planning on living in your car or something crazy like that, right? :)

Eric & Laura said...

Lol! I love it. Your cat is just as crazy as my dog! She throws up every time we take her in the car...so for our move out to UT, we asked the vet what could help. She said Tranquilizers! Woohoo! They totally worked, and Sydney had a great ride out here without getting sick or nervous once! Good luck with your little sweat-meister!