Wednesday, March 3, 2010

On Bedrest: May As Well Blog About it!

Ok, so as some of you may have read on facebook, I am now on bedrest. I am 36 weeks and already dialated to 4 centimeters, 90% effaced. Blah, all just means I could go into labor, like, tomorrow, but no big deal. Except that I am getting Cheated out of 4 weeks of preparation for like, the biggest day of my life!

I had this great plan. It was all worked out. I was going to my last day of work this Friday. I was going to have a all-day birthing class at the hospital on Saturday. I was even going to teach Sharing time on Sunday. Was going to enjoy a really nice baby shower on March 14th put on by my good friends Molly and Barbara, and was going to generally enjoy three weeks of freedom and preparation until the baby decided to come perfectly, and ideally, on his Sunday due date of March 28, 2010. And then Steve would have his Spring Break all that next week where we would optimize bonding time and enjoy a liesurely introduction of the baby into the world with both mom & dad home full-time. Steve's mom would arrive March 30th to help with the baby and maybe some meals--life would be good.

Reality is I don't think he's going to wait that long! And of course, my doctor is on vacation, and I don't really like the one who is on-call, meanwhile. Steve has two really busy weeks of school this and next week, including ranking his residency choices by this Friday's deadline....

My desk at work is still a disaster and waiting for me to tie up tons of loose ends and clear it off for the next employee who sits there....

And, well, I guess that's life. Hope I make it a little longer, but if not, we'll still be so excited to meet this new little baby boy that is so eager to join us here.


Maren said...
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Maren said...

Wow I should really proof read my comments before posting. Let's try that again.

We always try to plan out things perfectly, but the truth is that it usually doesn't turn out that way.
With Caleb, my mom couldn't come out until later because Ashley got married on the 10th and Caleb came on the 13th. My mom still had the reception to do.
With Asher, we had figured out how many days Mike could take off from work, but it didn't turn out the way we wanted.
Both came early, Caleb at 38 1/2 weeks and Asher at 38 weeks so I know how you feel. Having a perfect plan and not having it come out exactly how you want it. But really the pay off is a sweet little baby. I think it is worth it.
Good Luck!