Sunday, February 20, 2011

Projects and the Good Ol' Days

Well, it seems like we only get to the blog when we're sick--probably because it slows us down from the normal day-to-day. Today, we are all sick, including Smingers--he has sneezed in BOTH mine and Steve's faces during his kitty-cold, which is disgusting. Austin seems to be getting better, and Steve probably has the furthest to go, because he got the bug last. Since we missed church so we wouldn't get anyone else sick, I started going through my old stuff that I've been meaning to scrapbook, starting from when Steve and I started dating in college. It was so funny to look back on all that stuff--we were always writing each other little notes, scrawling little jokes on scrap pieces of paper. I even saved little post cards or plane tickets from trips we went on, which I am actually glad I did, because I didn't remember half of it! The only problem is, all these 8+ years later, I STILL haven't organized it into an actual book. (P.S., I am not a scrapbooker. If I can just staple them into the book with a few captions and headings, that will be a really great feat for me.) Let's hope that I can get this project done while I have time and the will to do it!

While looking through all the college stuff, I have to say that looking back, college was fun--but much funner socially than academically! Being very academically driven like I was, I took all my classes probably way to seriously. It paid off--I never even got a "B" at BYU-I, but I would get way stressed-out and study A LOT. So I am really content with my life right now and happy with what I'm doing now--taking care of Austin, deciding for myself how I will spend my time, and ever, ever grateful for finding something that I loved, getting a degree in it, and being able to use it in every day life however much (or little) I want! I love that there are so many opportunities out there to learn more about plants and ways to teach others about them too. I hope I don't take any of them for granted!